1 Corinthians 15:52, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
1 Thessalonians 4:16, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the TRUMP OF GOD: and the dead in Christ shall rise first."
Will President Donald J. Trump be the LAST PRESIDENT of America who will stand as THE VOICE of Christians who are fighting for their faith?
We know that Joe Biden was the Vice President of Barack Obama. Barack Obama was the most anti-Christian president in the history of United States of America. During the Obama administration,
It was also during Obama administration where more than a hundred thousands Guillotines where purchased. Guillotines are the old head-cutting machines used to behead people. Why did the Obama administration bought thousands of it? For what purpose?
The Bible says that those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast 666 will be severely persecuted and beheaded.
That mark of the beast is a mark that will be implanted on the right hand and on the forehead of a person, enabling him to participate in buying and selling. In short, this mark of the beast also called 666 is something that must be implanted in human body. The Bible says that those who have not the mark cannot buy or sell (Read Revelation 13:16-18).
That plan was temporarily hindered because Donald J. Trump won the 2016 election. Hillary Clinton may have continued it if she won, but not. At Trump's administration,
If in this 2020 Election Trump truly lost by legal votes, then he will truly be the LAST President that will stand for God's people (the Bible Christians and the Patriots). If Biden truly won this election fair and square, then Biden will surely be the forerunner of the Antichrist, the forerunner of the one world government, the last puppet that the Deep State will use to implement their grandplan of setting up the New World Order. Check "Novus Ordo Seclorum" in your US Dollar Bill
It's there.
Biden will surely continue what Obama has started. In that case, the first country in the world who will plunged into the Great Tribulation shall be America. So if Biden will legitimately seat as your President in 2021, then Americans should prepare for the collapse of your Nation.
Remember, Biden's message is "Peace and Unity". He promised to unite Americans. To the unsuspected, that is a wonderful message. But to those who are learned in Scriptures, that is a dangerous message, because liberals cannot give you peace. True peace comes only from Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).
According to 1 Thessalonians 5:3, when they say "Peace and Safety", suddenly destruction will come, like a pregnant woman who is in pain and travailing in giving birth. "Peace" promised by an anti-Bible secular politician is the instrument of the Antichrist to set up their ome world government.
America must prepare and the whole world must also prepare. To my fellow Filipino people, especially Filipino Christians who understand this post, we must stand on Patriotism and love for God instead if we want to survive. If you believe that God will raise up His people in the East in the last days to serve as His final missionaries before the end come, then believe.
In anyway, we must stand strong in this crucial situations of our world today. The coming great tribulation is real and absolutely biblical, and cannot be avoided, it is already destined to happen. But God is still in control. If God will open up His treasure chest in the Philippines from Marcos Foundation, then it will finance the final mission that the Lord has placed in the hands of the Filipino people, to accomplish His purpose of raising up His people in the eastern isles of the Sea to lead the final revival that will sweep the entire world before His return.
MORE ON NEWS: Antipolo Standard
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